Our partners

Partnership Sant’Ambrogio – SIGMA Cooperazione Sant’Ambrogio – SIGMACooperazione Sant’Ambrogio – SIGMA

Cooperazione Sant’Ambrogio – SIGMAStarting from 2014, Sant’Ambrogio co-operates with the German company Sigma Ingenieurgesellschaft for promoting ROHR2 software (stress analysis of piping). ROHR2 is the leading European software for piping stress analysis, the standard tool for pipe static and structural framework analysis and we currently use it in our engineering activities.



Partnership Sant’Ambrogio – H.T.R.I.

htriAfter several years of intense collaboration, as the Italian representative of H.T.R.I. (Heat Transfer Research, Inc.) the worldwide leader in the field of research on heat transfer and heat exchanger thermal calculation software, we continue to use HTRI software on a daily basis, with complete satisfaction, for our activity of thermal design and rating of shell and tube heat exchangers and air coolers.

We also continue to recommend HTRI software to our customers and to anyone looking for a powerful and reliable tool for the thermal calculation of heat exchangers.