ASME VIII Division 2

ASME VIII division 2 – Edition 2015

Language: English. All the main metallic materials are considered in this standard. It is based not only on DBF (=Design by Formulae) methods, but also on DBA (=Design by Analysis) methods: 3 different DBA methods are considered (elastic analysis, limit analysis and elastic-plastic analysis). Detailed rules for Fatigue Analysis are given.  A completely new issue of the standards is published every 2 years. The next edition is expected in 2017. A full set of allowable stresses is provided in Section II, part D of the Code. Design in creep conditions is possible, however all the values are based on a standard lifetime of 100000 hours only. Use of this standard with the Pressure Equipment directive is possible, however with specific precautions. More information on ASME VIII Division 2: