The latest edition of our 4-days Technical Courses on the Design of Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchangers took place in Milano in November 2013.
The courses, which are held in Italian language, include 4 modules, each one consisting of a one-day session, with the following topics:
Module 1
General principles of the mechanical design of pressure equipments
Module 2
Mechanical design of pressure vessels under internal and external pressure
Mechanical design of flanged connections
Module 3
Thermal design of shell and tube heat exchangers
Mechanical design of shell and tube heat exchangers
Module 4
Designing for loads other than pressure
Fatigue calculation
The speaker of the courses is the Director of Sant’Ambrogio, Dr. Fernando Lidonnici, who has a very long experience in pressure vessel design and is Convenor of Working Group 53 “Design methods” of CEN TC54 (Unfired Pressure Vessels), i.e. the team of experts which has prepared the European harmonized norm EN 13445 on unfired pressure vessels.
During the courses many calculation examples from the daily engineering practice will be shown and the differences due to the application of ASME, EN 13445 and other codes will be pointed out. Also advanced design methods (design by analysis) will be considered.
If you should be interested in similar courses in English language please contact Mr. Bordoni at