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October 2024 online design course

In October 2024 we held the 7th Edition of our English language online course on the design of pressure vessels and heat exchangersIt was an excellent learning opportunity, allowing participants from different countries to get a deeper insight in the most critical aspects of the design of pressure parts and on how the different calculation codes address them.

The course is modular, so participants decide which lessons they wish to attend and it is aimed not only at guiding participants in the process of properly designing pressure vessels and heat exchangers, but also at showing how to optimize the design, minimizing weight and cost of the equipment, while maintaining compliance with the reference standards. In-depth studies of the critical aspects of designing specific pressure parts will also be part of the course. Moreover, comparisons among the main calculation standards will allow participants to recognize which is the impact of a particular standard on the calculation. Several practical calculation examples will be presented during the course.

Our design courses have become a milestone in the professional training of design engineers and of all professionals involved in designing or checking pressure equipment, in Italy and in Europe. More than 1,500 people have attended the courses over the years.

The course covers the following topics:

Lesson 1:
-General notions of pressure vessel design

Lesson 2A + Lesson 2B:
-Mechanical design for internal and external pressure
-Mechanical design of bolted flange connections

Lesson 3A + Lesson 3B:
-Thermal design of shell and tube heat exchangers
– Mechanical design of shell and tube heat exchangers

Lesson 4A + Lesson 4B:
-Pressure vessel design for loads other than pressure
-Design for cyclic loads

The Speaker of the course is Dr. Fernando Lidonnici,  European expert on pressure equipment design, who is the Coordinator of the European workgroup WG53/ CEN TC54, which developed the design part of EN 13445, ASME Member and President of EPERC (European Pressure Equipment Research Council). In 2018 he was awarded the Donald Julius Groen Prize from IMechE, the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers, for his activity in the field of European Pressure Vessel Norms.

The next edition of our online course on the Design of Pressure Vessel and Heat Exchangers in English will be held in spring 2025.

For information on the course feel free to contact Dr. Bordoni at