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Design courses in English language

On 18th and 19th November 2015 Sant’Ambrogio and FDBR (German Association of Pressure Vessel, Steam Boilers and Piping Manufacturers) held 2 days of course on the design of pressure vessels and heat exchangers in Düsseldorf. Participants from Germany, Belgium, Romania and Spain took advantage of this training opportunity in English language.
A lot of calculation examples have been presented during the courses and the differences due to the application of the main calculation codes (as ASME and EN 13445) have been shown.

New courses in English language are planned for February 2016 in Düsseldorf (in cooperation with FDBR) and Vienna (in cooperation with TÜV Austria).


Check the list of courses organized by FDBR in Düsseldorf

Find out more details on the design course in Vienna