
EPERC: the European Pressure Equipment Research Council

Without pressure equipment in general, and without pressure vessels in particular, the modern life in the industrialized countries would not be possible. In fact this kind of life requires much greater amounts of energy than in the past, which can only be generated with the substantial contribution of pressure equipment….

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How to design a pressure vessel considering loads other than Pressure

Many years ago, when the first boilers and pressure vessels were put into service, and when people realized the danger involved in their operation, the national governments of the main industrial countries started to issue rules for their design, fabrication and inspection. Of course the most important problem at that…

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What’s being cooked up?

The implementation of our new software platform NextGen (containing already the software to ASME Section VIII division 1 and 2) with the software according to EN 13445.3, 2014 Edition has almost been completed: the few still missing modules are always contained in the “classic” version of EN 13445.3. We thank…

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The dissolution of EPERC, the European Pressure Equipment Research Council

I have just received from UCC/ANIMA (Unione Costruttori Caldareria, the Italian Pressure Equipment  Manufacturers’ Association of the ANIMA federation,  the  actual  operating  agent  of EPERC-AISBL) the agenda of the next meeting of this association, to be held in Milan on April 3rd 2014. One of the points on the agenda…

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Europe and the European Standardization System: Lights and Shadows

When some European countries  decided  to  withdraw  their  national  currency and   to replace it  with  the Euro,  they certainly decided to give up  much of  their national sovereignty. Well, at that time the economy was doing well, it was certainly a big advantage for everybody to use a single very…

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