Posts by: Matteo

Cladding and weld overlay management

Starting from the 2020.1 version, management of over-thicknesses related to cladding and weld overlay is available in NextGen. This option, initially available for the ASME VIII Div. 1 code, will be progressively extended to the various calculation codes supported by the program. The option is located among the item properties…


Version 2019.3, WRC module updates

The 2019.3 version of NextGen introduces some small but significant variations in the WRC calculation module, dedicated to localized loads. This article summarizes these changes, comparing them with the previous behavior. Simplified and advanced input mode Since over time the WRC module has become increasingly enriched with an increasing number…


Version 2019.3, updates to simplified fatigue assessment according to EN 13445-3 Clause 17, Amendment 5

Amendment 5 to EN 13445-3 introduces important changes regarding the simplified fatigue calculation, performed according to Clause 17. Essentially, these changes concern new ways to consider thermal stresses in fatigue calculation. Load cases can now have pressure variation only, temperature variation only or a combination of both. In the general…


The new component design window

With NextGen 2019 we’ve introduced a revised version of one of the most important windows in our software, the one used to design components. In this article you’ll find information about how to find previously available features in the new format as well as new features. Note: for a limited…


Software News 2019

NextGen software 2018-2019 With the release of version 2018.3 and the preparation of new releases for 2019 the update and enhancement work on NextGen software is going on; many important features have been added to NextGen software in 2018 as: ASME calculation report in Russian language, EN 13445 and AD2000 calculation reports…
